Healing for God's Glory

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him."  John 9:1-3

As we sat in the doctor’s office and heard the bone defect diagnosis of my son’s knees, I asked the surgeon if it was my fault.  Had I done something or not eaten the right thing while he was in utero and inadvertently caused the birth defect?  The surgeon kindly looked at me, smiled, and indicated that we will never learn the cause of my son’s bone issue, but I should not blame myself. His comments provided a small amount of comfort, but God provided peace two days later in a pastor’s message. 

As we listened to a sermon, I was astounded to hear the text for the day; it was almost like God was personally answering my question.  The text was the ninth chapter of John and Jesus’ curious disciples were questioning why a man was blind.  Whose fault was it?  Had someone sinned and that was its cause?  Like me, they, too, were looking for some rational explanation of the man’s blindness and a place for the blame.  But, Jesus, indicated that the sole reason for the man’s blindness was so that God’s works could be displayed through him.  He, then, went on to heal the man who gained his sight for the first time. 

God’s glory seems to be the same reason for my son’s bone defect and subsequent healing through surgery. The bone defect was debilitating, but, by the grace of God, the surgery was successful and quality of life was returned to my active son. Amazingly, God was so incredibly present through it all and He has shown His glory through the stages of healing.  With gratitude in our hearts, may we tell God’s story of healing to all people so that His glory can be seen and people may believe. 

Healing Father, thank you for miraculous healing. May your glory shine through as you prompt us to tell of your amazing work and love for us.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen